Essential Apothecary Alchemist

The Essential Apothecary Alchemist skincare range

A Botanical Approach

Radiance facial scrub packaging and box Essential Apothecary Alchemist essentials products Essential Apothecary Alchemist skincare range

Packaging updates included new labels for all products and coordinating boxes to elevate the skincare range. Use of photography that captured the botanicals highlighted the ingredients in each product.

EAA products styled on grey marble EAA | Editorial Photography

Styling & Photography

EAA's philosophy of using organically sourced components and essential oil focused formulations, made the intentional use of plant ingredients an essential part of our design strategy.

With a bounty of ingredients grown on-site, the styling direction celebrates the botanical richness of the range. The intrinsically botanical nature of each product becomes a visual symphony as we explore and highlight each precious ingredient, ensuring that the essence of EAA is not just seen but experienced.

EAA essentials product photography and styling with green branches and botanical print
EAA Radiance scrub botanicals styled on white ground EAA products styled on grey marble
EAA Radiance scrub with botanicals flatlay
EAA products styled with rose petals and chamomile EAA skincare range styled with florals
EAA skincare range shown on grey marble with the product
Essential Apothecary Alchemist | Shopify Website

Web Design & E-Commmerce

Our focus for the EAA website was on showcasing the brand's exquisite photography, emphasizing the versatility of each product and crafting a sense of trust through sharing the founder's deep knowledge of skincare and nutrition.

The product range encourages users to 'create your alchemy' by blending products for a personalized experience. To deepen the consumer connection, we integrated documentary style videos and a Beauty Blog written by founder Kate Poole.

Essential Apothecary Alchemist | Email Design & Strategy

Email Marketing

The goal for email marketing with EAA was to keep their highly loyal and dedicated fan base engaged by rewarding loyalty. We kept subscribers engaged with the use of exclusive discounts and access to subscriber's only content.

Each campaign was crafted to resonate with their audience, using engaging copy and high-quality images that showcased the beauty of every product, and highlighted their expert knowledge on a range of health and self-care topics.

Essential Apothecary Alchemist retail product guide Essential Apothecary Alchemist | Retail Product Guide

Wholesale & Marketing Collateral

A large part of the EAA sales strategy is ongoing wholesale outreach and stockist customer support. We were asked to create and maintain annual an Retail Product Guide and Wholesale Catalogue.

For the Retail Product Guide our task was to organize intricate skincare protocol and in depth product information, into a visually compelling resource that upholds brand integrity.

Wholesale catalogues focused on key selling features of each product and highlight merchandising opportunities to increase sales.